Advocacy · Political

Debate: Rod “Special Needs” Blum Vs. Abby “Get Sh!t Done” Finkenauer

rod vs abby debate
Jenn Wolff, Tucker Cassidy, and Eric Donat attended the debate along with other members of the Disability Caucus.
By Aradia Wyndham, Oct. 6th 2018

Tucker attended the first debate between the incumbent 1st Congressional Senator Rod Blum and Abby Finkenauer. To see the full debate, click here to watch it on KWWL. 

Last year, after Blum supported the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act he was confronted at a Town Hall meeting by an upset father of an epileptic child that relies on Medicaid for care. It wasn’t the first time voters let him know they were unhappy with his actions. Earlier in 2017, the audience at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, IA confronted him on his decision to support the repeal of ACA and restricting women’s reproductive rights.

The pressure must have gotten to Blum as this year he requires attendees to prove their Republican status before getting entry to his speaking events. Not exactly doing his job to listening to and representing his constituents. If he had, he’d realize that many of them take issue with his repeated reference to people with disabilities as “special needs”.

After the debate, ABC News caught up to Tucker and his mom, Mickey Dunn,  to ask about politics in our district. You can check out the full interview here on Yahoo! news.

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Mickey Dunn and Tucker Cassidy were interviewed by ABC News after the debate.